Friday, December 19, 2008

I Have a Snowblower

For the first time in my life I have a snow blower. Despite predictions of global warming it seems I may get a lot of use out of it. I have never had a snow blower. I've shoveled my drive all my life. (Shed a tear here for me.) Oh, and I don't have the one pictured. It's merely meant to represent mine. Anyway, I got to use mine for the first time today. I was not disappointed. It worked best when the city plows came around and piled a two-foot high pile of compacted snow at the foot of my drive. The snow blower ate right through it. My snow shovel may have felt neglected, but I don't care. At the age of 47 my days of shoveling snow is over. OH, and is it spring yet? Apparently not. I'm counting the days.

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