Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Friday, December 19, 2008

I Have a Snowblower

For the first time in my life I have a snow blower. Despite predictions of global warming it seems I may get a lot of use out of it. I have never had a snow blower. I've shoveled my drive all my life. (Shed a tear here for me.) Oh, and I don't have the one pictured. It's merely meant to represent mine. Anyway, I got to use mine for the first time today. I was not disappointed. It worked best when the city plows came around and piled a two-foot high pile of compacted snow at the foot of my drive. The snow blower ate right through it. My snow shovel may have felt neglected, but I don't care. At the age of 47 my days of shoveling snow is over. OH, and is it spring yet? Apparently not. I'm counting the days.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Technology vs Cops

I've always been amazed at how cops and criminals latch on to technology to advance their causes. It's a back and forth battle to see who can come out on top. And so I was amazed to see photographs from the riots in Greece where the rioters were using laser pointers to blind the riot police. The images below are awesome, but scary if you happen to be the officer being blinded.
Several years ago I was working the state wrestling tournament, which attracts a large crowd. I was speaking with several officers at a corner of the auditorium complex when a couple of us noticed that an officer had a red laser pointed on his chest. Not good. You can get laser sights on guns. We immediately turned around and spotted the offender high up in the auditorium seating. We raced up the stairs and confronted the teenage boy suspect. There was no weapon involved, but we gave him the choice of handing over the laser pointer or leaving the wrestling tournament. He handed over the pointer.